Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Reflections on year one of teaching

     Recent photo of the fam-bam. Way to cover up Tyler, Jonathan! #headtilt #windowblocked #tallpeepsinfront..?

Hello dear friends and family! It's been a while since I have updated you. Before I get started I just want you all to know that I love and miss you so much. Your prayers and support have meant the world to me as I go through this transition to adulthood and I cannot thank you enough,

This summer was amazing! I spent it back in my ol' Kentucky home, well actually... a new one in the same little town of Wilmore. As most of you probably know, my parents moved this past January. And unlike most empty-nest parents, they upgraded to a bigger nest. Although I do miss our old home on Pickett Drive and am thankful for the many memories that house carries with it, I can honestly say it was not at all hard to get used to the new, luxurious, 6-bedroom house that I spent my summer days in. It is a wonderful house! I even have my own room all set up for me (thanks momma!), so that was quite the treat.

This is the first summer in a very long while that I haven't had a summer job. It was such a blessing to just spend my days resting, relaxing, and above all reconnecting with my family and friends. Anytime that I started to feel guilty about not doing anything productive, I would think ahead to this next school year and remember that in the midst of all the long, busy, and tiring days- I would be longing to go back that very moment... so I tried to make the best of it and truly take advantage of it.

As year two of teaching is approaching, I can't help but reflect and look back at year one in awe of all God did. I spent most of the last school year feeling overwhelmed, inadequate, afraid, worrisome, and completely dependent on God to get me through each day. As hard as it was though, I would repeat it again in a heartbeat.

“Why would anyone be so eager to re-live these emotions that are very far from ideal?”, you might be asking yourself. Well, it’s as simple as these five words- I grew closer to God. I am learning with each new stage of life that the times that draw me to the Lord the most are the difficult times. In those days last year that I was struggling to see myself as worthy to be teaching these kids, I cried out to God and He heard my voice. I would repeat verses to myself after every single class period that reminded me that He was with me, that I was not doing this alone. I was even able to memorize some Scripture, which I haven’t really done since I was a kid at Vacation Bible School. God was faithful in giving me the strength and patience I needed for that specific day. Of course, we’d start back at square one the next day and do it all over again.

I am so thankful that I don’t have to walk this road called ‘life’ alone. Last year proved to me first-hand that with His help I can accomplish anything, go anywhere, meet anyone; as long as I am drawing my Strength, my Comfort, and my Peace from Him- I can do anything. I wouldn’t trade learning that lesson for anything.

I want to encourage you- whatever stage of life you are in, that God is with you. No matter what troubles lay ahead of you, rest assured that God will get you through it. He loves you with an everlasting, fervent, intentional love that will never leave your side.

As I start year 2 in two weeks, there are a lot of unknowns I will face. But that’s okay. The hope of what God will do through me this year and my faith in His power is far greater than the fear of how much I will fail or mess it up. And yes, I will be reminding myself to think on that everyday. Will you join me?